Sunday, September 30, 2007

"Weak Brain, Narrow Mind"

I'm tired of aspiring bourgeoisie. I'm tired of future white collar criminals of America. I'm tired of conventional disguised as underground. It's amazing to me how many seemingly smart people I meet who have such narrow minds, or are just completely apathetic. I want to congratulate them for their success at being such wonderful assholes. It's quite an achievement.

So, I'm an honest Midwestern girl. If people ask how I feel I'll tell them, but in California I think I might be better off putting on airs... Or maybe I've just been encountering a wave of pretentiousness lately. But come on! Seriously at least I'm honest about my neuroses and acknowledge it. My shadow is on the surface, what's scary is the shadow that's buried deep in someones heart---if they have one. That's some unpredictable shit.

Man, you know, I'm not trying to be so bitter. I'm actually pretty happy these days. I'm feeling San Diego. Someone said to me the other day, "So, you're still here." Yes. I'm still here, and you know what? I like it. I've realized I'm flexible, and I think this place is interesting. I think it's an especially interesting place for an artist... because there is just so much material... Lots of good dumpster-diving---as Freegan Kitchen proved... Lots of good and dark shadow material to work with.

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