Monday, December 17, 2007

A little bit of justice in San Diego

The felony charge, against Juan, of assaulting a federal officer was dropped, thankfully, and Juan will not be deported. To all my wonderful friends who took and interest in something I cared about, thank you. I thought you might be interested in hearing a little more about the story so here is a link to a blog about Juan's ordeal From this site there is also a link to some pictures of Juan volunteering in New Orleans after Katrina. This is a really great young man... He makes me feel just a little less cynical and a little more hopeful and that is a wonderful thing!


dh said...

I am so glad to hear that the felony charges have been dropped. Hopefully, everything works out.

Fathers Day Gift Baskets said...

The jutice is sweet. So sweet. San Diego felony lawyer