Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving and Not

This Thanksgiving I've been meditating on the idea that we really need to be thankful everyday for what we have, and at the same time we need to avoid becoming complacent about things that could be better both in this country and elsewhere. So here are my lists:

A few things I'm thankful for:
1) Friends that cook me breakfast and call me back!
2) My family. My mom. My job. My coworkers.
3) My health, and my friends' and family's health.
4) All good, ethical, kind, generous, thoughtful people in the world.
5) People bent on making things better, or at least trying.

A few things I'm pissed about:
1) The f'd-up health care system.
2) The f'd-up government, and super f'd up war.
3) Hateful, racist, sexist, classist, imperialist, ignorant attitudes.
4) Poverty, suffering, alienation, loneliness.

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